Kumpulan Footprint Untuk diversifikasi Backlink
Halo guys berikut kumpulan footprint bermanfaat untuk ngumpulin Back link .. Oke this is it : Drupal post and authority, high pr and sometimes need register too. first Just type on google inurl:node/add inurl:node/add/forum inurl:node/add/blog or site:.edu inurl:node/add and tld else second inurl:/?q=node/add inurl:/?q=node/add/forum inurl:/?q=node/add/blog or site:.edu inurl:/?q=node/add and tld else If not found, just type on browser LINK-address-site/user/register no need to manually one by one, just using footprind finder tool, If you have not downloaded it, you can find at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Other-Internet-Related/Footprint-Finder-Google-Scraper.shtml But not too often because google automatically block ip to use that tool on the day you must know the other footprint ELGG "Powered by Elgg" "Powered by Elgg" "Latest blog posts" "Powered by Elgg" inurl:account/register.php "powered ...
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