Cara Membuat Artikel cepat, renyah, gurih, mengenyangkan, gampang banget
Hey legiters.. kali ini ane mau bagikan methode membuat artikel cepat kilat dan readeble ( renyah, gurih mengenyangkan pembaca) So kalian legiters tidak perlu beli artikel lagi lah ya.. buat blog2 dummy atau bisa nih dipakai di reddit, medium dll perlu dicoba ya ok lets go 1st - Go to Google Translate Code: On the left side write "How to Lose Weight" and translate it with any language you want. ex: French, Italian, Spanish, Croatian, etc. 2nd - Search on Google with your generated language. 3rd -- Now "Right Click on your mouse" and select "Translate to English" 4th -- Go to any website you like. 5th -- Right Click on your mouse again and click "Translate To English" 6th -- Now Copy the Article to a Notepad or Word file 7th -- Head over To QuilBot for Rewrite the Article ( This is an awesome AI tool wi...