
Showing posts from September, 2020

Cara Membuat Artikel cepat, renyah, gurih, mengenyangkan, gampang banget

 Hey legiters.. kali ini ane mau bagikan methode membuat artikel cepat kilat dan readeble ( renyah, gurih mengenyangkan pembaca) So kalian legiters tidak perlu beli artikel lagi lah ya.. buat blog2 dummy atau bisa nih dipakai di reddit, medium dll perlu dicoba ya ok lets go  1st - Go to Google Translate Code: On the left side write "How to Lose Weight" and translate it with any language you want. ex: French, Italian, Spanish, Croatian, etc. 2nd - Search on Google with your generated language. 3rd -- Now "Right Click on your mouse" and select "Translate to English" 4th -- Go to any website you like. 5th -- Right Click on your mouse again and click "Translate To English" 6th -- Now Copy the Article to a Notepad or Word file 7th -- Head over To QuilBot for Rewrite the Article ( This is an awesome AI tool wi...

Cara Mempercepat kinerja wordpress loading -- riingan , cepat , seo giz

 Hey hello gimana kabar mang legiters Baru-baru ini .. eh dah lama ya.. bahwa syarat sebuah seo adalah mempercepat kinerja website loading. nah yang akan dibahas disini kiranya yakni mempercepat kinerja wordpress.. CHECK THIS OUT 1 .chekc kecepatan website ente di 2. ok.. dah dapat data.. disimpan ya..  3 instal plugin wp  So first install the plugin :     Once Installed, you should see a menu in your WordPress Sidebar called LiteSpeed Cache and through the whole menu you would need to head over the Page Optimisation part of it.   In the CSS Settings tab, We activated the following :   CSS Minify – Compress the CSS Files by removing blank spaces CSS Combine – Combine whenever possible the CSS StyleSheets into one. CSS HTTP/2 Push – Push the CSS through the HTTP/2 Protocols. Load CSS Asynchronously – Offer the option to Delay the loading  of the CSS StyleSheet   In the JS Settings tab, We activated the following:   JS Mi...

Cara Instal WIndows 10 di RDP / VPS Digital OCean

 Halo mang legiters.. setelah posting mengenai putty, SSH, VPS, RDP. dan kalian sudah bisa konek.. sudah punya akun vps nya..skarang ini mang legit akan membagikan caranya instal windows 10 di VPS digital Ocean gaes. Mengapa kok instal windows 10 di Digital Ocean.. ?? Ya. karena eh karena... biar murah gan.. maklum.. mang legiters suka yang murah-murah tapi tidak murahan Simak langsung aja gaes. runutannya Buat droplet dengan spesifikasi sesuai kebutuhan. Saran minimal RAM 1GB. Matikan droplet, ke menu  Recovery  dan pilih  Boot from Recovery ISO. Nyalakan kembali  Droplet  kemudian masuk ke  Console . Ketik  1  kemudian  Enter.  Jika sukses  mount  maka akan berwarna hijau. Catat root password untuk login ssh lewat terminal/putty/aplikasi ssh client lainnya. Login SSH lewat terminal/putty/aplikasi SSH client.  (Karena dicoba di Console gagal) Download windows menggunakan wget. Samakan dengan perintah dibawah/copy pas...

Cara Membuat SSH KEYS dengan Putty di windows

 Ya gaes ketemu lagi ama mang legit ..disini mang legit mau bahas tentang putty lagi msih sambungan seri posting tentang putty dan hubungannya dengan vps.. Simk gaes penjelasan lengkapnya.. postingan ini saya ambil dari websitenya digital ocean.. maaf mang legit males nulis ulang.. ..langsung aja bahasa inggrisnya dibaca ya gaes.. maap klo belum mudeng . bisa di translate .. How to Create SSH Keys with PuTTY on Windows Validated on  28 August 2019 •  Posted on  19 June 2018 DigitalOcean Droplets are Linux-based virtual machines (VMs) that run on top of virtualized hardware. Each Droplet you create is a new server you can use, either standalone or as part of a larger, cloud-based infrastructure. Overview Quickstart How-To Resources To create and use SSH keys on Windows, you need to download and install both PuTTY, the utility used to connect to remote servers through SSH, and PuTTYgen, a utility used to create SSH keys. On  the PuTTY website , download the  ...

Cara Koneksikan Droplet Digital Ocean dengan Putty

 Seperti ulasan sebelumnya yakni tentang cara koneksi server dengan putty   Postingan ini juga sebagai bahan penambah gizi (pelengkap maksudnya) DigitalOcean Droplets are Linux-based virtual machines (VMs) that run on top of virtualized hardware. Each Droplet you create is a new server you can use, either standalone or as part of a larger, cloud-based infrastructure. Overview Quickstart How-To Resources PuTTY  is an open-source SSH and Telnet client for Windows. It allows you to securely connect to remote servers from a local Windows computer. If you don't have PuTTY installed, visit the  PuTTY website  and choose the Windows installer from the  Package files  list. Once PuTTY is installed, start the program. Configuring PuTTY The following steps guide you through configuring a profile to connect to your Droplet. Add the Droplet IP and Connection Details On the  PuTTY Configuration  screen, fill in the field labeled  Host Name (or IP Ad...