Pilih adsense atau Affiliate ??
Topik menarik untuk diperbincangkan ..yakni pilih adsense atau affiliate PERHATIKAN kekuatan kita dahulu sebslumnya untuk memlih model bisnis. Model adsense adalah model bisnis yang membutuhkan continuitas.. terutama produktivitas menulis.. Sedangkan model affiliate tidak perlu membuat tulisan terus menerus. kutipan menarik : Why are your readers coming to your site? Getting in touch with the ‘intent’ of your readers is really important when thinking about any kind of monetization. Are they there for community, information, advice, to buy something, for research, for fun or something else? Understanding the reason for your reader coming will give you some hints as to what they might respond to in terms of promotions. For example – if they are their to learn something, promoting a ‘how to’ type eBook might be the best thing to promote. If they are there to research buying something – you might be better to promote the products that they’re researching. Unfortunatel...