
Showing posts from August, 2015

20 best book tentang personal finance

When we talk about understanding how to manage money, personal finance is one of the most essential skills you can learn. But without any guidance, it is difficult for us to understand the value of handling our money and using it to make even more. However, if you walk into any book store or library, you’ll find there a plenty of guides out there, in the form of personal finance books offering advice on financial planning. But all advices are not equal. To begin, you need some easy-to-read books that will explain you the basics of financing, the best way to save money, and how to pay off your loans. Here’s a list of books that will help you in getting out of the sneak and rat race of debt and achieve the treasure that you truly deserve. 1. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko “‘The Millionaire Next Door’ is great for all those people who have just come into the game of personal financing, because this book talks about the fundamental...