
Showing posts from January, 2015

7 Langkah Defining Niche Market

Dari artikel ane saksikan ada artikel menarin untuk disajikan dalam blog ini  Bagi yang gak ngeh bahasa inggris nanti ane translate ya.. tapi ya gak tahu kapan ..soalnya sedang sibuk. semog artikel ini membantu agan untuk mendefinisikan tentang niche market Ok beriku ini artikelnya In their book, Start Your Own Business , the staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc. guides you through the critical steps to starting a business, then supports you in surviving the first three years as a business owner. In this edited excerpt, the authors explain how you can find the right niche for your entrepreneurial needs.  You’ve come up with a great idea for a business, but you’re not ready to roll yet. Before you go any further, the next step is figuring out just who your market is. There are two basic markets you can sell to: consumer and business. These divisions are fairly obvious. For example, if you're selling women’s clothing from a retail store, your t...